A Simple Running Log

May 29, 2015

Training for 5/29/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 7:20 am

Yesterday, I went upstairs in the late afternoon and sweated my face off through some strength training — ab exercises, push-ups, invisible chair-sitting and weights. It was sweltering up there. This morning, I got up early and took Pepper for a lap around the 4.5-mile loop before it got too hot out again.

It’s race weekend in Dover! Today, I’m going up there with my brother, his wife and her brother, and we’re hanging out in the skybox. My uncle gets a bunch of tickets for the skybox from a business from which he buys a lot of farm equipment. I think he can get pretty much as many tickets as he wants for Friday and Saturday, but he just gets a couple for Sunday. Anyway, I haven’t been in the skybox since the fall 2012 race I think. Looking forward to all the free food and beer while we watch qualifying today!

Tomorrow, I have the first 5K of the summer series, in Lewes, and then TK and I are going to the beach for a little while. Not too long, since neither of us really want to get burnt the first time out.

And finally, Sunday is, of course, the main event in Dover! Unfortunately, Clark got shipped out to San Diego a couple days ago to deal with some catastrophic malfunction in one of their clients’ systems, and won’t be back until Monday at the earliest. But Mike and I are heading up early Sunday morning to tailgate, and then the rest of my family will show up for their free burger on their way to the track. It’s supposed to rain Sunday, but hopefully not until after the race.

May 27, 2015

Training for 5/27/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 2:56 pm

Today, it was supposed to get hot again in the afternoon, so I took Pepper out early for a lap around the 4.5-mile loop. My legs were a bit sore from strength training yesterday, but it was pretty much just a routine easy run. And that was it for today.

May 26, 2015

Training for 5/26/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:05 pm

Saturday was another decent day for running, not too hot or humid. Those days will be few and far between as we get into summer, so I have to enjoy them while I can.

Even though I had the 5-mile race scheduled for the next morning, I decided to do a longer run than I’d been doing all week, a lap around the 8.4-mile loop. I knew I wasn’t really in shape to crank out a good 5-miler anyway, so I might as well just rack up some miles instead.

The first 7-ish miles went fine, but then things got weird in the final mile and a half or so. My throat kept sort of closing up, like what I would imagine an allergic reaction is like. I don’t have allergies, so I have no clue what was causing it. It wasn’t in my chest at all; it was higher, in my neck. I’d feel my throat start to constrict and then my heart rate would skyrocket, so I’d stop to walk until I felt normal again, repeating that all the way until I got home. I felt fine the rest of the day, and tried to drink more water than usual, in case it was related to dehydration or something. A real confidence boost before a race!

Anyway, we washed the Jeep that afternoon, and then we went to the beach house. A couple of friends came over to hang out for the evening. We grilled up some burgers with bison and elk meat (never had elk before — it wasn’t bad, but I liked the bison better.) I only had one beer and stuck to water otherwise, hoping I wouldn’t have any more weird breathing problems in the race the next morning if I was well hydrated.

Sunday morning was a great day to run a race, the polar opposite of the day we’d gotten in St. Michaels the weekend before. It was so cool I actually took a short-sleeved T-shirt with me, in case I felt like it was too chilly to run in the tank top I’d packed.

I got to Cape Henlopen High School in Lewes well before the 7:30 a.m. start. TK arrived right after me. We got our race bibs and event shirts and hit the bathroom, and then I ran an easy mile to warm up.

The warm up didn’t feel all that great. My legs felt heavy and every time I glanced at my Garmin, it was showing 9:15/mile pace or slower, which was a lot slower than I felt like I was running! I wasn’t feeling fast at all.

I joined everyone else in the starting pack on the high school’s bright blue track, inside the stadium. I was standing right next to this woman who was jogging in place and laughing after every stupid thing she said to a couple of her friends. I was trying not to pay attention to her, but man was she getting on my nerves! It felt like it was taking forever to get the race started.

Starting pack.

Starting pack.

We got the start commands and took off. The course was the same as always — partial lap around the track, leave the stadium, loop behind the school, cross Kings Highway, get on the trail along Gills Neck Road, run through downtown Lewes, come back up Kings Highway, run straight back to the stadium, run the partial lap around the track the other direction and finish at the same line.

I already felt winded before we even got around the school. Not a good sign! I tried to settle into a semi-manageable pace as we left the school grounds and got on the trail.

We hit the first mile somewhere on that trail. The Garmin reported a 7:28 mile. It felt so much harder than that!

I started to feel a little more comfortable in the second mile, which left the trail and got on the road. I ran the second mile in 7:32, not a big drop-off at all. For a moment I thought maybe I could manage that for the final three miles and get a decent finish.

Well, nope. The third mile took us into Lewes. This teeny little rise in the road — you really couldn’t call it an uphill — felt like a mountain. I was sucking wind at the “top” of it. The third mile ticked off in 7:43. I was fading.

Just two more miles, just two more miles! I was yelling at myself to hang the eff on as we ran through Lewes and then towards the school. Mile four was 7:58. I was dying!

The last mile was awful. I was worrying so much about the breathing problems from the day before, I was psyching myself into thinking I could feel them coming back. I wanted to walk, I wanted to stop, I wanted to finish. Somewhere in here a guy ran past me wearing the same Shamrock Marathon finisher’s hat as mine and gave me a fist bump.

We made the turn back onto school grounds, which meant we were less than a half-mile from the finish line. I managed to keep running at least, but it wasn’t very fast. I was dead.

We got back on the track. The finish line was only a 300-meter “sprint” away!

As I came around the final turn, I saw Fredman, the local photographer, clicking away. Well, I might be slow as shit this year, but I can at least get a good picture out of it! So I smiled for the camera. I look a lot happier here than I actually was!

masser 5-miler finish 2015

That guy behind me went blowing past me before we got to the line haha.

I crossed the line and stopped my Garmin — 38:44, a 7:44/mile average and my second-slowest time in the six years I’ve run this race. Woof!

For real, I need to do regular speed work again. I am just not comfortable with running uncomfortably fast anymore. As soon as it starts to hurt now, I just want to back off. The only thing that fixes that is intervals and (ugh) tempo runs.

I did one more super slow mile to cool down, and then TK and I checked the results. Lucky for me, no one faster in my age group showed up Sunday, so, in spite of my slow time, I still won the F 30-34 age group. I was first of nine in my age group, eighth woman overall out of 133 and 70th overall out of 267 finishers.

What bugged me though was the fact the overall women’s winner ran a slower time than my PR — and the prize for the overall men’s and women’s winner is a $75 New Balance gift certificate. That could’ve been mine if I’d trained!

Well, boo hoo. Nothing I can do about that now. After the awards, I drove back to Fenwick, and then Clark and I went home, showered and drove to Grasonville for my sister and cousins’ graduation party.

Our group had a nice little corner of the deck at The Bridges all to ourselves, where we could watch all the big expensive boats coming and going. It was great to spend some time with my mom’s side of the family. We don’t see them nearly as much as my dad’s side, since they all live more than a mile away from my parents haha.

My mom with her brothers, Dana and Kerry.

My mom with her brothers, Dana and Kerry.

Three recent college graduates: My sister Julie (medical lab research) and my cousins Anna (social work) and Claudia (urban planning.)

Three recent college graduates: My sister Julie (medical lab research) and my cousins Anna (social work) and Claudia (urban planning.)

Clark and I went home after the party, grilled some brats for dinner and tried to watch the Coke 600. I got a lot closer to the end than he did, but I still wound up asleep on the couch before Carl Edwards won it. I did, however, get to see Jimmie stupid Johnson spin out (for the second time that night!) and slam into an inside wall, so that was nice.

They said during the race one of the drivers, Landon Cassill, was planning to run the nearly 14 miles from the track to the NASCAR Hall of Fame as soon as the race was over. Today, it was reported he ran the 13.9 miles at a 7:19/mile pace, finishing just before 1 a.m. I couldn’t hold that pace for a measly 5-miler, and that wasn’t immediately after driving a race car for several hours. Twist the knife a little deeper haha.

Monday, we slept in, and then we took Pepper for a run around the 4.5-mile loop. It was a lot warmer than Saturday and Sunday had been, but clearly not as hot as last weekend, because Pepper never threw up when we got home. Win!

That afternoon, we went to 3rd Wave for a couple beers. This older couple sat down near us. Somehow we got talking about running. The guy said he’d run the Marine Corps Marathon in 2010. I said that’s the same year I ran it. He said he hit halfway in 2:06. I said I hit halfway in 2:08. And then he said he finished in 4:42. I said I finished in 4:43! I believe there were 22,000 finishers that year, and I meet at bar five years later someone I ran near the entire way. Small world. After 3rd Wave, we went to Evo for late lunch/early dinner, and then we went home.

Today, it’d gotten way too hot to think about running by the time I got around to it, so I just did some strength training with the adjustable dumbbells downstairs. Pepper seemed to like that plan a lot better than he would’ve liked running in the heat, or staying home alone while I ran.

May 22, 2015

Training for 5/22/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 3:34 pm

Last night, the most bizarre thing happened. Clark and I invited my little sister to go out with us, and she ACTUALLY WENT. Since she no longer has to fill all her waking hours worrying about and studying for whatever test is coming up next, she no longer had an excuse!

We took her to the Denton pub to celebrate her graduation. They were serving their fourth in-house beer, an American ale, and also hosting a tap takeover by Sam Adams and Traveler Beer Company, which meant we got to keep a couple more pint glasses. We probably have more giveaway beer glasses than forks in this house at this point.

There was a sheet of stick-on mustaches on the bar, part of Traveler’s promotional materials, so we had to try some on.

julie and me mustaches

clark mustache

Today, I just ran another lap around the 4.5-mile loop. That’s all I’ve felt like doing this week. I took Pepper with me, since it was such a nice day, with low humidity and cooler temperatures. It was probably the best I’ve felt running since that miserable half marathon last weekend.

This weekend is, of course, the long Memorial Day weekend. I’ve got the Masser 5-Miler on Sunday morning. It looks like the weather will be decent, maybe even down in the 50s when we run! No puking this time.

Other than running, we have a big party for my sister’s and two cousins’ college graduations Sunday afternoon, there’s the Coke 600 to watch Sunday evening and we might go down to the beach at some point, possibly Monday.

May 21, 2015

Training for 5/21/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 11:43 am

Yesterday was a pretty good day!

It started first thing in the morning, when Clark rolled out for work in the Crown Vic for the first time in weeks:

crown vic rolling

If you look closely, you can see the big grin on his face haha. There was some piece in the ignition that was messed up, that is supposed to prevent it from starting if it’s not in park, but Clark seems to have taken care of the problem. When you’ve got six vehicles, all of them better run, or it just looks trashy!

Anyway, I did some strength training upstairs for the second time this week, and then I took Pepper for an easy run around the 4.5-mile loop. It’s cooled off a lot since earlier this week, so, no dog puke this time.

I had to pay my insurance premium yesterday, which inspired me to finally find out if my car’s busted-out passenger side fog light is covered. I just assumed it wasn’t because fog lights aren’t essential, and while my car’s are actual Honda parts, Clark and I installed them. But it turns out it is covered! So that’s getting replaced at no charge to me once the body shop I chose gets the part. Might as well get something for what I’m paying for insurance.

Finally, in the evening, I went to my little sister’s induction ceremony into the medical lab research honor society at Salisbury University. Her entire 13-member class was inducted, and they’re graduating today. Every single one of them has a job lined up — I can’t think of another major with a success rate like that! Julie will start in the lab in the Easton hospital two weeks from today.

Dad, Julie, Grandmom and Mom.

Dad, Julie, Grandmom and Mom.

Julie with Aunt Helen and Aunt Gail.

Julie with Aunt Helen and Aunt Gail.

Julie and me.

Julie and me.

Julie after she was inducted during the ceremony.

Julie after she was inducted during the ceremony.

Her whole class, plus their professors.

Her whole class, plus their professors.

hat throw

Julie's face when she saw the flowers Mom brought for her haha.

Julie’s face when she saw the flowers Mom brought for her haha.

mom and julie with flowers

This kid was in second grade when I graduated from high school, and now she’s a college grad starting a professional career. Time flies! No matter how much she grows up though, she’ll always be Creature Child in my heart… and in my phone contacts haha.

May 19, 2015

Training for 5/19/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 1:19 pm

Today, I got up early enough to run before my usual Tuesday meeting, which was in the morning this week. It was nearly 100 percent humidity out there at 6:30 a.m. Better get used to it, I guess. I did an easy lap around the 4.5-mile loop, and was completely drenched in my own sweat when I was done.

Last night, it was so humid in the house when we got home from work, all the dog slobber all over the utility room floor still hadn’t started to dry two hours later. Also, the dog was still covered in his own slobber. So we broke down and turned on the air conditioning.

This morning, I guess Pepper had gotten nice and comfy in the house, because he refused to go out after his breakfast. He does that when it’s raining or cold, but never before when it’s just really humid. Great.

May 18, 2015

St. Michaels Half Marathon recap

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 1:37 pm

Holy shit, I ran a terrible half marathon this weekend! In fact, it was my slowest one ever that I wasn’t pacing. A new personal worst!

The whole weekend wasn’t terrible though. I’ll go back to Friday. I met Allison at her house, and we first drove to St. Michaels to pick up our race bibs and event T-shirts. Since we were in town anyway, we stopped at Gina’s for some margaritas and hummus. I don’t even like tequila, but Gina’s makes some really bangin’ margaritas. All the ingredients are fresh; it’s not just some mix out of a bottle.

We went back to Allison’s to walk her dog, and then we drove her Cabriolet convertible to Oxford, for the sailboat race.

Allison sails on a boat called the Black Pearl. It’s a shield, a small boat with no engine. There were other boats there for the race that were much larger, and had engines. Sort of like a golf handicap, the bigger, more powerful boats “owe” a certain number of seconds per mile to the smaller boats. When the race is over, the times are adjusted based on who owes who time, and the final results are calculated based on the adjusted times.

Anyway, also on the Black Pearl that night were Allison’s dad, Richard, and a guy named Henner and his 9-year-old son, Hayden. That was about as many people as could fit on that boat.

It’d been a warm day Friday, but Allison let me borrow a pair of waterproof pants, which I wore over my shorts. I also brought a waterproof jacket, “just in case.” I was really glad to have both of those articles of clothing when we got going!

The race started at the Oxford Yacht Club. It’s a different course every time, based on landmarks the boats have to sail to and around on a specified side. The course that night was the longest one possible, 6.7 miles.

Now, when Allison invited me to tag along for one of these sailboat races, I was picturing something along the lines of the sailing scenes from “Wedding Crashers,” probably because so many of those scenes were actually filmed in Oxford and St. Michaels.

wedding crashers

So idyllic.

When we got rolling though, it was less “Wedding Crashers” and more “The Perfect Storm.”

perfect storm

We’re all gonna DIE!!

Haha ok, not really, but there was a lot more work that went into it than I imagined! Especially when we were sailing into the wind. The way they had the sails set to catch the wind, it was practically laying the boat on its side. The one side really was skimming along the water, while the five of us sat on top of the other side. I’ve only been on ski boats, and that’s not normal! No one else looked at all worried by the fact the boat was at a 90-degree angle, so I just hung on. We kept getting hit by water too, as waves crashed against the front of the boat. I was so glad to have the pants and jacket.

Everyone was making constant adjustments to different lines to optimize the wind’s power. There was a lot of jargon I didn’t understand, but I did figure out what it meant to “tack” or “jibe” – for me, it meant to make sure I didn’t get blasted in the head by the boom swinging across the boat as they moved the main sail from one side to the other! That was pretty much my only job the whole time we were out there, to stay out of everyone’s way.

After we’d finished the first leg of the race and turned so we were sailing with the wind at our backs, the boat leveled out and it was a lot smoother. That’s when we got the beers out, and that’s when I was able to get some pictures, since I could sit on a bench instead of clinging to the edge of the boat.

main sail

The Black Pearl’s main sail.

looking ahead

Boats ahead of us.

boat behind us

Boat behind us.

boat with sun

tenner on boat

Allison and me with a couple of Bud tens.

It really was a gorgeous evening to be out there on the bay. I loved watching the other boats and trying to understand the sailing chatter going on around me, 90 percent of which was coming from Hayden. Man did that kid love to talk! His dad later said sometimes he has to play a game with Hayden called “Let’s just be quiet for 10 minutes” haha.

The race officials wound up cutting the course short to 5 miles due to the setting sun. After we’d crossed the finish line and were approaching the marina, they let me steer, just long enough to get a picture.


I’m so good at this!

sunset at marina

From the dock, at sunset.

The Black Pearl wound up finishing third after the times were adjusted. After the race, we had dinner at the yacht club, where I had my first Dark and Stormy, a mixed drink with rum and ginger beer. It was really good!

dark n stormy

Allison and I put the waterproof stuff back on for the drive back to her house in the Cabriolet, since she keeps the top down on it and it’d gotten chilly by that point. I was in bed around 10, and had no trouble falling asleep.

I woke up around 3 a.m for the first time because I had to pee. Unfortunately, I just could not get back to sleep to save my life after that. Every time I did start to drift off, I’d have one of those weird dreams I get when I’m not quite asleep, and jerk myself back awake. In one, I was about to get attacked by a mountain lion when I woke up! What the hell?

My alarm went off at 6. There was no question what to wear for the race that day – shorts and a sports bra, the bare minimum. It was supposed to already be 70 degrees with 80 percent humidity at the race start, and keep climbing from there. I had a feeling the warm weather would affect my race, especially since I haven’t really had a chance to get acclimated to it yet this year, but I had no idea it’d get as bad as it did.

Anyway, I had a bagel with peanut butter and some black coffee for breakfast, and I was able to clear out my digestive system before we left the house, which I hoped meant I wouldn’t have to worry about it during the race. Hahaha…

Allison and I each drove our own cars to St. Michaels. We hit the traffic backup five miles outside of town and crept along, hoping we’d make it before they closed that road in advance of the race start. It turned out we were the third and fourth cars in line when they closed the road and detoured us through some neighborhoods. So close!

We parked on a residential street not far from the race start at the elementary school. Even though the start got pushed back about 15 minutes, we only had time to stand in line for one last port-o-potty stop. I didn’t get in a warm up.

I eased myself into the starting corral well behind a sign that said “7-8 minute mile pace,” quite a ways back from the front. About five minutes before 8 a.m., we got the countdown and then the commands to go, and we were under way.

The first mile was a little crowded, but not bad. We ran down the main road through town, past all the cute little shops and restaurants. The Garmin beeped the end of the first mile just outside town – 8:01. For a few brief seconds, I thought I’d be able to maintain that pace the rest of the way and finish around 1:45.

Running through town in the first mile.

Running through town in the first mile.

Well that didn’t even last another mile. I was trying to just run by feel because it was already getting uncomfortably warm, so I wasn’t paying any attention to the current pace on the Garmin, just looking at the splits whenever it’d beep another mile had passed. We finished the second mile as we ran into Harbourtowne – 8:16.

The course this year spent more time in Harbourtowne, a hoity toity golf community. There were a couple out-and-backs between miles 2 and 4.

I started a trend!

I started a trend!

As I was approaching the first turnaround, I heard someone yell my name – it was Melissa, who I’d just met two weeks ago when we both paced the Ocean City half marathon. She has some damn good eyes to be able to pick out in a crowd of runners someone she’s only seen once before!

I made the turn and then we hit mile 3 – 8:12. We ran to another turnaround, and then we were at mile 4, which for me was an 8:15.

The next two miles followed a road that kind of ran along the outer edge of Harbourtowne. Miles 5 and 6 were 8:27 and 8:40. I was getting hot.

Just past the sixth mile, we hit another water stop, and I stopped to suck down the one GU I was carrying with me and then wash it down with water. We left Harbourtowne and ran back toward town. Mile 7 was 8:58.

Until this year, the course had turned right out of Harbourtowne and headed north along that main road before making a U-turn and going back to town. People complained about it because it was so boring and unshaded and just, ugh. So this year, that boring out-and-back along the main road was eliminated, and we turned left out of Harbourtowne, to go back to town and pick up the 10K course, which was more scenic.

It was a much nicer course, but it still sucked a little, because in the past, when we got back into town, we only had about a mile left, but this year, we had more than five miles to go.

I hit mile 8 in 8:57 and did not give one single crap that my pace was in danger of slipping over 9:00 miles. I was just so effing hot. My legs didn’t feel like they were working very hard, definitely not racing, but mentally, I was out of it.

Not long after I passed that mile marker, I saw Michael Wardian heading back toward the finish line, running in second place after having recently broken his own world record for the fastest 50K on a treadmill. (He ran 31 miles in 2:59:49 if you’re wondering.) I yelled something like “Nice job, Michael!” and he looked genuinely surprised someone recognized him. He blurted out a very polite “Why thank you!” haha.

Mile 9 was 9:00 on the nose. The course led us into another waterfront neighborhood, full of well-manicured lawns and not a single port-o-potty. Not the place you want to be when you feel a Code Abby rearing its ugly head.

There was a water stop right before mile 10. I scanned the area for a port-o-potty, but nope, nothing! I stopped for a few seconds to drink one cup of water, pour another over my head and try to quiet down my gurgling GI tract. I said something out loud about how awesome the water I’d poured on me felt, and a volunteer pointed over his shoulder and said “The river is right there!” Dude, don’t tempt me! I really wanted to go jump in for a minute.

But, I started plodding forward again. Mile 10 was 9:07. As we were leaving the neighborhood, the gut pangs cranked up to an 11. I could see a nice wooded area up ahead, but I had to make it there first without crapping my pants. I had to walk a couple times to keep from doing that, but I finally got to the woods and made a run for it.

The woods there were not full of underbrush like the ones where I run at home, and the trees were kinda spaced out too, so I had to run pretty far back into the woods until I felt like no one could see me. It was only after I was already in the middle of taking care of business that I looked over my shoulder and realized I wasn’t very far from someone’s yard haha. I got laughing to myself thinking about what the homeowner was thinking if they just happened to look out a window and spotted me crouched in the woods. Nasty ass runners!

I felt a lot better after that was done. I ran back out to the road and rejoined the race. Mile 11 was 10:57.

There was one last out-and-back after mile 11. I kept up a decent pace and ran mile 12 in 8:50. But not long after I passed mile 12, I suddenly felt really light-headed, and had to take a walk break. It was then that I heard “Abby!” and looked up to see Allison, on her way out toward the neighborhood I’d just come from.

She was walking too. We both stopped right there in the middle of the course and had a nice little chat about how shitty we felt and how we couldn’t wait until this shitty race was over!

I started running again. I had less than a mile to go at that point, but every step felt like such a chore, it might as well have been 15 miles. I just wanted to lie down somewhere nice and cool and shady. Running is dumb.

Somewhere near the end.

Somewhere near the end.

Mile 13 was 9:47. A couple more turns and I could see the finish line. I dragged myself across it in 1:57:25, more than three minutes slower than my first half marathon in Sept. 2009 which, up to that day, had also been my slowest.

wide shot finish

finish 1

I was so damn happy to be done running! I didn’t care about the finisher’s medal; I went straight for the table full of water bottles and then the misting fans. After I’d thoroughly soaked myself, I finally went looking for my medal.

I saw Melissa at the finish line, who had also just finished her slowest half marathon ever. Soon we were joined by another Ocean City pacer, Veronica, who had also run a personal worst. The only anomaly was Trent, yet another Ocean City pacer, who’d managed to run a new PR, because the only other half marathon he’d ever raced wasn’t really an official half.


O.C. pacers at the finish line — Trent, Melissa, me and Veronica. I’m only smiling because I’m so happy it’s over!

It turned out, every single runner I knew there ran a personal worst. It’s not that it was the hottest day I’ve ever ran a half marathon, but it was at the beginning of the summer, when I haven’t gotten used to it yet. It sucks to run a race on a hot day no matter what, but if you’re not acclimated, it feels 100 times harder than it does at the end of the summer, when you’re somewhat used to it.

And looking at the final results, my time was still in the top 15 percent of the entire field (229th out of 1,494 finishers) and in the top 10 percent of my age group (15th out of 146.)

It really made me feel better to know that so many other runners had such a bad day too. Misery really does love company, and there was plenty of misery to go around that day!

I started walking toward my car to change out of my soaking wet running clothes. It was a pretty long walk from the new finishing area. By the time I made it to the elementary school, I really had to poop again. Luckily, there were no lines for all those port-o-potties still there from the race start.

I felt better after I changed my clothes. For my money, there is no better feeling than taking off a soaking wet sports bra. TK claims taking off your socks after a run is a bigger relief, but I gotta go with the bra.

I moved my car closer to the finishing area and then found Allison, who’d also finished her personal worst half marathon by that time. We went to the runner’s village to get our free Bud Lights.

It turned out my digestive system was not done making its displeasure known, not by a long shot. I had to run to a port-o-potty three more times while we were hanging out in the runner’s village. The third time, I puked. I fucking puked. I have never puked during or after running. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I threw up, period. It tasted like Bud Light and the banana I’d eaten, which, I have to say, was an improvement on how the Bud Light had tasted going down.

The party’s over when I start puking. The runner’s village was pretty much shut down at that point anyway. I drove Allison back to her car and then I drove myself home. Luckily, I made it home without having to pull over to tend to my cranky digestive system again, but as soon as I got home, I had to go again. I didn’t puke anymore, but I was running for the bathroom just about every half hour for the next several hours, and lying in bed with my stomach in knots in between. It was absolutely miserable. Fuck you, heat.

Around 5 p.m., I finally felt like I could stand upright without shitting myself long enough to take a shower. Clark and I had made plans earlier in the week to go out with Mike and his new girlfriend. I was obviously a little worried, based on the previous seven hours, but it turned out the storm had in fact passed and I felt fine the rest of the night.

We went to the pub in Denton, had dinner and watched Denny Hamlin win the All-Star race. It was 2 a.m. when Clark and I finally got home. I was beat.

So it was late and already hot again when we got out of bed Sunday morning. Around 3 p.m., Clark and I decided to go for a run together around the 4.5-mile loop, which meant Pepper had to go too. It was in the upper 80s at that point. Even though we took a long walk break after every mile, Pepper was hurting. When we got home, the poor guy gulped down so much water he promptly threw it right back up on the living room carpet. Clark was the only resident of our house who didn’t puke this weekend because of running in the heat.

Unfortunately for Pepper, Clark and I then had to leave him home all by himself while we went to Annapolis with Clark’s family to celebrate his brother’s birthday. We had a very nice dinner, but when we got home we found more dog puke in the utility room, this time mixed with mostly-digested dog food. Shop vac to the rescue! We promised Pepper we’d never make him run in the middle of the afternoon on such a hot day again. I feel like a bit of an asshole for doing that.

This morning, I didn’t run, but I did go upstairs and do some strength training.

And now it’s time for the summer series, which begins this coming Sunday with the Masser 5-Miler in Lewes. I’m not racing anything longer than that until the fall!

May 15, 2015

Training for 5/15/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 8:18 am

Yesterday morning, I met Allison at her house to go for a run together. She’s running the St. Michaels half marathon tomorrow morning also, but she hasn’t really been running much this year. If we’d managed to coordinate our schedules to run last week, I’d have suggested 10 miles or longer, but since we were so close to race day, I just suggested 7 miles. That way, when she’s starting the race tomorrow, she’ll know she’s done more than half the distance in training. Little mental boosts like that always help me when training didn’t go so well.

It was a great day for a run, not too hot but not too cold, sunny and clear. A little breezy, but not bad. We did the four minutes running, one minute walking intervals Allison’s going to do in the race. The whole distance just flew right by. Sometimes it’s nice to run with someone who can actually talk! No offense, Pepper.

Today, I guess I’ll take one day off from running ahead of the race. This afternoon, I’m meeting Allison again, and, after we pick up our race packets in St. Michaels, we’re going to Oxford for one of her sailboat races. And I get to sail with her! This is a first for me. I’m looking forward to it!

I’m staying at her house tonight, which will save me 45 minutes of driving tomorrow morning. The half marathon starts at 7:40 a.m., but they want everyone in town by 7, because they close off the only road in at that time, to get ready for the race start.

I really don’t know how this race is going to go. I feel pretty good, but it’s supposed to warm up again tonight. It should be close to 70 degrees with 80 percent humidity at the start tomorrow. Guess I’ll just see how I feel.

May 13, 2015

Training for 5/13/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:32 pm

Today was quite a bit cooler than yesterday, so much so I had to wear a T-shirt when I ran. Pepper and I did an easy lap around the 4.5-mile loop together. And that’s about it.

May 12, 2015

Training for 5/12/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:00 pm

I did an interval workout this morning, six 400-meter repeats. It wasn’t such a great day for it, as it was supposed to get up around 90 today. I actually got out there right after breakfast for once, but it was already about 75, sunny and humid.

Instead of going to the track, I just programmed Clark’s Garmin to measure out quarter-mile repeats with quarter-mile rest periods after each. With a warm up and cool down, I planned on the 5.5-mile loop.

On top of it being pretty warm, I haven’t run intervals, or any formal speed work, in forever. I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty!

I did a mile in 8:43 to warm up and then ran the first interval. I was dying when the Garmin beeped the end of that interval, and I still had five to go. Right before the second interval was over, I made a turn into the wind. It just kept getting better.

After the third interval, I had to take my first walk break. I wound up walking a little bit after each of the last three intervals too. And a little of the 1.5-mile cool down too.

But at least I’d made it through all six intervals, right? When I finished the cool down, I checked the times: 1:44, 1:46, 1:49 (!!), 1:43, 1:44 and 1:40. Yiiiiiikes! I really need to start doing these things on a regular basis again.

I’d run (well, run/walked) the entire 5.5-mile loop in 48:01, an 8:45/mile average.

The cherry on top was the pile of dog shit in the utility room when I opened the side door. Thanks Pep.

I’d wanted to go upstairs to do some strength training after I got home, but it was already unbearable up there, so I just did some ab exercises, push-ups, invisible chair-sitting and exercises with the dumbbells downstairs, where it was hot enough.

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