A Simple Running Log

November 30, 2018

Training for 11/30/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:17 pm

Even though I took an unscheduled day off running Tuesday, I took the scheduled one today too. I’m going to try to stick to the plan for Shamrock training this time around, and the next six days in a row are running days. It’s not horribly cold today though, so I think I’ll go upstairs and do some strength training.

Ever have something pointed out to you that’s been under your nose for years, but you’d never noticed? I had one of those moments today. I’ve been eating GUs on long runs and in races for more than nine years, but I never saw the little message they hide on the bottom of every packet. I was a little skeptical when I read that today — how did I never see that? — so I checked some of the two dozen in my kitchen right now, and, well:


There you go. This goes right up there with the arrow in the Fed Ex logo.

Anyway, time to wrap up November.


  • Week 1 (Nov. 1-3): 21.3 miles
  • Week 2 (Nov. 4-10): 39.3
  • Week 3 (Nov. 11-17): 10
  • Week 4 (Nov. 18-24): 26.9
  • Week 5 (Nov. 25-30): 26.2

Total: 123.7 miles

A bit of a down month for mileage, but that was to be expected, with tapering for and recovering from a goal marathon.

I ran two races, the Richmond Marathon and the Huffin’ for Pumpkin Pie 5K. Both went decent, even though my results weren’t quite what I was hoping for.

And now I’m heading into December. This is the first full month of Shamrock training, which means time to start upping my mileage again. This weekend, I have a 6-miler and the cutback long run, an 8-miler, on the schedule.

I have one race on the schedule, the Rehoboth Half Marathon next Saturday, but there are a couple shorter ones I’m looking at later in the month.

November 29, 2018

Training for 11/29/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 5:06 pm

I spent all morning at an assignment for work. The local school system hosted a bunch of people from other school systems to see in action a new teaching strategy they started last year. The visit was capped off by a catered lunch. I guess they were trying to show off the Eastern Shore, because the stars were crab cakes and Smith Island cake, two of my all-time favorites. There was a bunch of other stuff too. I ate everything but the mashed potatoes, and the only reason I didn’t eat them too is because I think mashed potatoes are almost the most disgusting food on the planet. The only thing worse is mashed potatoes with gravy.

All that is to say I was uncomfortably full when I left, and I wasn’t so sure my run this afternoon was going to happen!

Then I got home. At lunch, I had been talking to a woman about our sick old dogs and the messes they make. Coincidentally, Pepper had been absolutely destroying the utility room with his ass while I was gone. It was everywhere, and the way the dog poop smell had seeped out and permeated the entire house, it seemed like he’d done it as soon as Clark and I had left this morning.

I had to clean that up, which just put me in a bad mood. And my stomach was still loudly questioning why I’d put an entire slice of Smith Island cake in it. Running was looking less and less likely.

It wasn’t long until it was getting close to the latest I could go out and get it done before sunset. It was still pretty cold today too, which was making it harder to want to leave. And what if Pepper pooped again and I had to clean that up for the second time in the same day?

Well, guess what. I actually put on my running clothes and went out and ran a lap around the 5.5-mile loop. I was supposed to do four 800-meter repeats, but I skipped them and just did a steady pace that turned out to be an 8:40/mile average. Surprisingly, I didn’t even have any digestive problems.

I felt a lot better after that. And when I got home, Pepper had not taken a second dump, so I still felt good about it.

It still smells like dog poop in here though, even with three different Christmas-scented candles burning. I mean, to the point I searched the room to see if there was an entire turd I’d missed hidden under the washer or something. Nothing. It was just that impressive of a mess.

November 28, 2018

Training for 11/28/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 5:26 pm

It was extremely windy today, which just made it feel even colder than it already was. Because I hate cold wind so much, it took me all day to get up the motivation to do the run I’d put off yesterday, but I finally sucked it up and got it done.

I was supposed to do this week’s middle distance run, a lap around the 6.5-mile loop. The way the wind was blowing, it would put it square in my face for about the last 1.5 miles of the loop, but I figured I’d be almost done by that point, so I could power through it.

It was just an OK run. On top of the freezing wind, I had to deal with stomach issues. At least I made it home before I had to do anything about those. I finished the loop in just under 59 minutes, a 9:04/mile average.

November 27, 2018

Training for 11/27/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:45 pm

Yesterday, I went out right before sunset and did the easy 3-miler on the schedule. It was a chilly, windy day, but I missed the downpours at least. I wound up running a 9:05/mile average. I meant to go upstairs and do some proper strength training, but I just did some ab exercises downstairs, changed into my sweats and called it a day.

Today, I had this week’s middle distance run on the schedule, but procrastination bit me in the ass again. I just kept putting it off, and now the sun is setting and I have an evening assignment for work anyway. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I did at least get the fake tree decorated. When I brought down all the decorations Sunday, half the lights on one string didn’t work, and we couldn’t fix it, so Clark got some new ones last night. Not sure if the deal is still on, but he got two 100-count strings of LED lights, by GE, for $5 each at Lowe’s. They look very nice, way better than the cheap-o drugstore ones I had. So that worked out.

November 26, 2018

Training for 11/26/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 9:29 am

Friday, Clark got off work early, so I could go out for a quick run without having to leave Pepper alone. It wasn’t quite as cold as the day before, or as windy, but I still needed the full winter running get-up. I did a lap around the 4.5-mile loop. I think my pace was something like 8:45/mile.

Saturday, the Huffin’ for Pumpkin Pie 5K didn’t start until 9 a.m., so I didn’t have to get up early. TK was out of town this weekend, so it was just me. I left the house around 7:30 to head to Grove Park in Rehoboth.

Fortunately, the weather had greatly improved over the previous two days. The wind had picked up again, but it was about 25 degrees warmer and, after a mile to warm up, I was completely comfortable in shorts and one thin long-sleeved top.

In the starting pack, I heard someone say we were running the out-and-back version of this course. Groan. In the off season, there isn’t as big a police force in Rehoboth, and the race director can’t always get enough cops to control traffic at all the little intersections on the usual course through the neighborhood, so we just run down the boardwalk and back. I much prefer the usual course, but oh well. Nothing I could do about that now.

We got the start commands and we were off!

I had no idea what pace to expect out of myself. I just started running and waited to see what happened.

I finished the first mile in 7:12 and didn’t feel too bad. But then we hit the boardwalk, the part I was dreading. It’s very narrow, especially on the parking meter-lined sidewalk at the north entrance, and it’s still open to the public.

There was no room to try to pass anyone, so I just settled in behind the runners in front of me. I knew I was slowing, but I didn’t feel like elbowing anyone out of the way.

Soon, we made the U-turn on the boardwalk, and then we were heading back toward the park.

I finished the second mile in 7:26, which honestly wasn’t as bad as I’d expected. It’d felt like I’d slowed down a lot more than that.

Then we made the turn onto the long straightaway that makes up almost the entire first and last mile of the race. It feels endless! I concentrated on the huge RV I knew was near the 3-mile marker.

I didn’t have the excuse of being boxed in anymore, but I just didn’t have anything left to try to speed back up again. I ran the third mile in 7:24. The finish line was around one more quick turn.

2018 pumpkin pie 5k finish 2

That woman on the left was really giving it her all — I think she was trying to hit a time goal and it was close. Fredman captured the moment I looked over to see who was trying to out sprint me haha.

2018 pumpkin pie 5k finish

I came across the line in 22:52, a 7:22/mile average.

It sounded like the other runner made her goal! I heard her tell someone at the finish line she’d just made it. So, congrats!

Personally, I was a little disappointed in my time — I ran this race last year 53 seconds faster — but then again, I’m pretty sure the last time I ran three consecutive miles under 7:30 was the Dogfish Dash two months ago, so it wasn’t like I’d done the work to be any faster.

Right after finishing, I struck up a conversation with a woman who’d finished about 15 seconds before me. She was wearing New Balance 1500s, the stability version of the 1400s I was wearing. We ran a mile to cool down together. She told me about running the Berlin Marathon earlier this fall. It was her fourth of the six world major marathons (she’s also done NYC, Boston and Chicago) and she said it was her favorite so far, except for the beet juice-based sports drink they serve at aid stations instead of Gatorade. Sounds pretty gross to me!

When I checked the results, I’d gotten second in the F 35-39 age group. I missed out on the age group winner’s pumpkin pie by five measly seconds! At least I got a slice of pumpkin pie they were serving to all the runners post-race.

After the awards were handed out, I did a little shopping at the outlets. I got a couple more cold weather running pieces from the Nike and Under Armour outlets, but the purchase I was most excited about was a 22-piece set of Pyrex glass food storage containers — regular price $55, on sale for $19.99! I finally got rid of the plastic deli meat containers we’d been using since 2007 haha.

It started raining right as I got home, and it poured the rest of the day and well into night.

Sunday, however, was clear and sunny, and kinda warm too. Clark ran some errands in the morning and early afternoon. I took advantage of the not-freezing attic to bring down all the Christmas decorations.

I really didn’t feel like doing my long run though. But it was supposed to rain today and then get cold the rest of the week, so it was stupid not to do it yesterday. When Clark got done and could stay with Pepper, I got dressed in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, filled my water bottle with Roctane and headed out for a lap around the 11.2-mile loop.

The first five miles were very uncomfortable. Probably because of the peanut butter and jam sandwich I’d had for lunch, which was on whole wheat bread. I was really gassy and crampy.

Just after the fifth mile beeped on the Garmin, I had to poop, which I’d been expecting. I ran into the woods and took care of that.

My guts felt better after that, but my legs were not into it. It was a struggle. I didn’t let myself take any shortcuts home though, and finished 11.2 miles in 1:45 on the dot, a 9:23/mile average. Meh. Miles in the bank.

Today is Cyber Monday. I’ve already scored one really good deal — the St. Michaels Running Festival is offering HALF OFF on a limited number of registrations for the half marathon or 5K, today only. Even with the processing fee, I signed up for the half for $46! That is a freaking steal for a half marathon these days.

As far as training goes, I have a short easy run and strength training on the schedule.

November 23, 2018

Training for 11/23/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 12:37 pm

I started Thanksgiving by scrubbing up the newest pee stain Pepper had left overnight on our professionally-cleaned carpet, right where everyone would be walking in through the front door in a few hours. Thanks, Pep!

Then I did an easy lap around the 7.3-mile loop at an 8:45/mile average pace. It was COLD — the wind chill made it feel like 20-something. I went from shorts and a thin long-sleeved T-shirt the last time I ran, two days earlier, to tights, two layers on top, gloves and an earband. It’s not usually this cold yet by Thanksgiving.

I’m glad it’s supposed to warm up again soon, because I am NOT ready for this so soon!

We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon getting ready to host dinner. Usually, we have two turkeys; my aunt roasts one, and Clark deep-fries the other. It was so freaking cold yesterday, he couldn’t get the oil hot enough to fry in time to serve the damn thing at dinner. We had moved onto the pies before it was done. Fortunately, there was enough on the roast turkey to serve everyone. And now we have a ton of leftover fried turkey.

That was the only hiccup, and other than that, Thanksgiving was a success. We even got to see Aunt Helen for the first time in months!

Today, we got the house back in order. I thought about bringing down the Christmas decorations and getting started on that, but it’s just as cold today and I don’t want to go up in the attic. That’s probably going to wait until Sunday.

I do want to get in another short run at some point today. At least the wind died.

This weekend, I have the Huffin’ for Pumpkin Pie 5K tomorrow morning in Rehoboth. I have no idea what pace to shoot for. This is typically my fastest 5K of the year, since it’s usually the only one I run outside of the summer series. Definitely won’t have to worry about it being hot and humid tomorrow.

Sunday, I’ve got the first long run of Shamrock training on the schedule, an 11-miler.

November 21, 2018

Training for 11/21/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:29 pm

I had a short run on the schedule today, but it’s not looking like I’m going to do it. The main problem is the utility room is spotless and I don’t want to put Pepper in it to start re-destroying it already. And the stupid short daylight hours meant I didn’t run before Clark left for work, and it’ll be pitch black by the time he gets back.

I did get done everything I needed to do before Thanksgiving dinner though. Clark came home at lunch with all the tables and chairs we borrow from his office. Then Pepper and I took all the recycling piled up in the garage to the landfill and did the shopping. Walmart actually had everything I needed, even though I waited until the day before again, and I think I remembered all the different wines that have been requested over the past few years, so everyone should finally have what they want.

All I have to do tomorrow is watch the parade, go for a run, make some veggie side dishes and then EAT.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 20, 2018

Training for 11/20/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 11:57 am

I’ve done a couple short easy runs since I last posted. Late yesterday afternoon, I ran a lap around the 4.5-mile loop at an 8:30/mile average. It was one of those perfect fall afternoons, the kind we all look forward to all summer, but then only actually see a few times.

This morning, I got this week’s middle distance run, a 5-miler, out of the way early, so I could put Pepper in the utility room before Stanley Steemer cleaned it. It was a little breezier and cooler than yesterday, but still a nice day for a run. I did a lap around the 5.5-mile loop at an 8:46/mile average.

Also yesterday, I signed up for the Huffin’ for Pumpkin Pie 5K this Saturday in Rehoboth.

The Stanley Steemer guys are in here right now, we got most of the other cleaning done last night and I’m going to try to get the shopping done later this afternoon. I think we’re on schedule to host Thanksgiving in two days.

November 19, 2018

Training for 11/19/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 3:32 pm

Exactly eight years ago today, Clark and I brought Pepper home. He’s been ruling the place ever since. Right now, he’s glaring at me from the other side of the back door because I was typing on my dumb computer instead of waiting by the door to open it for him the moment he was ready to come back in.


“It’s so hard to find good help these days.”

Happy eight years together, Pep!

This weekend was pretty quiet. Saturday morning, I ran a lap around the 5.5-mile loop. My cold seemed to be making a comeback, because I felt a little worse than the day before. So I took it even easier and ran a 9:25/mile average.

Later that morning, Bart met us at our house and we all went to the Analog-A-Go-Go tasting event at the Dogfish Head brewery in Milton. Clark’s parents offered to watch Pepper, but he’d randomly gotten a nosebleed that morning (we think from running into door frames and furniture so often — he has a habit of running ahead of us but looking behind him at us because he doesn’t know where we’re going, which leads to a lot of banging his snout on things) and we didn’t want him to get it all over the new bed they were getting delivered that day, so we took him with us too.

It was a little on the chilly and breezy side in Milton, but still a nice day for the event, 90 percent of which was outside. There were a couple teeny chihuahuas in sweaters that looked more like a fashion statement, but Pepper was the only dog there who needed a coat haha. And he was still shivering!

We each got 10 samples, eight beers and two cocktails. My favorite was the Raspberry Truffle Stout, which was exactly what it sounded like.

There were several food vendors there. Near the end of the afternoon, I got a Nutella and ice cream waffle sandwich from Nellie’s Waffles and Ice Cream. As soon as I got back to where Clark was waiting, Pepper leapt up and knocked the whole thing right out of my hand! I picked everything off the ground and was seriously going to try to eat around the dirt — that’s how much I love Nutella — when one of the women from Nellie’s came and took it away and made me a new one. Thanks, Nellie’s! I stayed far away from Pepper with the second one.

We left Milton and took Pepper to Big Oyster Brewing in Lewes for an early dinner. Then we stopped by the Dogfish Head brewpub in Rehoboth, but Pepper couldn’t go in and it was too cold to sit outside after sunset, so I stayed in the truck with him. Clark and Bart had a beer there and got some more to go, and then we headed home.

On the way, my throat was feeling worse and worse, so I stopped at a Rite Aid for my favorite dinner in that situation — Ben & Jerry’s and Nyquil. When we got home, I ate a little of the ice cream and then took a shot of Nyquil. I was out like a light soon after.

I slept straight through the night. I think that’s the magic of Nyquil. It lets you sleep, which is the real medicine. I read somewhere once going to sleep and hoping you feel better in the morning is the human equivalent of “shut it off and turn it back on again.”

I felt a million times better when I woke up. I still didn’t feel like running though, so I didn’t. We just watched football, the NASCAR season finale (congrats, Joey Logano!) and a few Hallmark Christmas movies. I can’t even remember how this Hallmark movie thing got started, but Clark is really into them right now. He even downloaded an app on his phone to keep track of which new ones he’s seen haha. (There are 22 new ones this year alone!) All the past years’ movies are still new to us too.

Today is the first day of my 17-week Shamrock Marathon training plan. It’s a beautiful day out for the short easy run on the schedule.

November 16, 2018

Training for 11/16/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 5:04 pm

Today, I ran for the first time since Richmond, an easy lap around the 4.5-mile loop. It was chilly and breezy, and I still felt a little worn down by my lingering cold, but mostly it was just awesome to be out there again. I ran the loop in just over 39 minutes, an 8:41/mile average.

The weekend looks pretty quiet. We’re going to a tasting event at the Dogfish Head brewery in Milton tomorrow, but other than that, I think we’re just going to work on getting this house ready for Thanksgiving. There’s also the NASCAR season finale race to watch Sunday afternoon. And I’d like to get in a couple more short easy runs.

Monday, training begins for the 2019 Shamrock Marathon! Actually, the 18-week training plan I use started this past Monday, but I skipped the first week.

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