A Simple Running Log

May 9, 2022

Training for 5/9/22

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 9:22 pm

Friday evening, I got Clark to LAX in plenty of time for his flight back to the East Coast (along with Anthony Anderson, who apparently graduated from Howard University in Washington, D.C., the next day!) and then I came home.

It wasn’t even that late when I got back, but I just could not get to sleep. So I didn’t get up early enough to meet the running group in Carlsbad, and then I kept putting off running all day. About the only thing I “accomplished” was watching the Kentucky Derby, which was pretty exciting, when the 80-1 long shot, that hadn’t even been in the race until another horse had to scratch the day before, came out of nowhere to win.

Sunday, I did go out for a long run, 12 miles to Oceanside and back, which got me to the ol’ river trail I used to run all the time when we lived there.

I was happy to see they’d paved the south end of the Strand, which used to be rutted, cracked concrete:

The north side is still concrete but maybe they’ll redo that sometime.

Where the San Luis Rey River meets the ocean, near the end of the trail.

It doesn’t look sunny here, but it was poking in and out of the clouds the whole time I was running, and it got kinda warm. I had a water bottle full of Roctane and a Huma gel that I took at halfway but I still didn’t feel great for a lot of the second half of the run. I wound up running a 10:10/mile average for the 12 miles.

When I got home, I called my mom to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, watched the Darlington race and then pulled some weeds out front.

Today, I worked from home, and after I was done for the day, I went out and ran 3.1 miles at a 9:04/mile average.

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