A Simple Running Log

March 18, 2020

Training for 3/18/20

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 11:12 am

Yesterday, Clark and I went to the gym and did another HIIT class. There were only three other people there, plus the coach, but another three or four people tuned in to GoToMeeting so they could do the workout at home.

Not surprisingly, the track workout was canceled. It’s always at a local high school track, so I was wondering how that was going to work with all the schools closed.

We just went home after the gym, with a stop at Wavelength Brewing Co. so Clark could do his part to help keep small businesses afloat right now, by buying three crowlers of beer to go.

We noticed Booze Brothers had already taken down their sign outside the tasting room they’d recently opened in Oceanside. Their main brewery is still in Vista. I hope they come back to Oceanside when this is all over.

Anyway, when we got home, I had just enough daylight left to get in that interval run. I went down to the Strand.

It seemed like everyone else had the same idea. It was PACKED, with people on foot, skateboards and bikes, riding through in cars and walking their dogs.

Not that I could blame them. It was a beautiful evening and just about sunset over the ocean, which is pretty much the only fun thing that hasn’t been put on hold at the moment.

I stretched out my warm up to 1.5 miles to try to get to a less crowded area to do the intervals, but there was still plenty of people-dodging required, so all the intervals were slow as a result.

I did four quarter miles in 1:53 (7:34/mile pace), 1:47 (7:11/mile), 1:50 (7:21/mile) and 1:47 (7:09/mile), each with a quarter mile of recovery after. Then I did a little over another mile for a cool down, finishing 4.6 miles in 39:35, an 8:37/mile overall average.

Tonight is the final fit test at the gym. It’s the exact same test we did the first week — a series of exercises cutting down from 100 to five repetitions, then a short lap around the parking lot, for time. We will see how much faster we can do it now after all this strength training.

Personally I’m going to try to do all 50 push-ups the regular way, instead of on my knees like I had to the first week. I used to be able to do 100 regular push-ups, but I let that slide for a very long time!

I haven’t seen yet if the usual Wednesday night group run is still on, but that’s always on public trails/roads anyway, not a track that can be closed, so I imagine it will be. If not, I’ll just do another short easy run on my own.

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