A Simple Running Log

March 29, 2018

Training for 3/29/18

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 3:46 pm

Today is pretty nice, finally! It’s in the mid 70s and sunny.

I went out for my run in the afternoon. It probably would’ve been a good run, except I ate a couple too many Cadbury Creme Eggs beforehand. And peanut butter M&M eggs. Damn Easter candy haha. The stomach problems didn’t hit until the last couple of miles. Unfortunately, by that point, there was nowhere to go to take care of it until I got home, so I walked a lot of that last stretch. I finished the 6.5-mile loop at a 9:20/mile overall average.

Clark is supposed to come home in time for us to take our bikes out for a short ride before sunset, the first time I’ll have ridden mine since early last November.

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