A Simple Running Log

February 26, 2016

Training for 2/26/16

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:55 pm

Today is cold and windy again, but at least the sun is out. I took Pepper out for a lap around the 5.5-mile loop. I’d been thinking about leaving him home and doing a longer run on my own, but then Clark suggested going to Dogfish Head tonight to try the very interesting-sounding brewpub exclusives on tap, so I figured I’d better take Pepper with me to make absolutely sure he’d taken a dump at some point today.

Well, he never had to poop during our run, but I did, a little more than halfway through. I felt better for about a half-mile, and then my stomach started acting up again. I didn’t have to stop in the woods, but I did have to slow to a walk to get my stomach to settle a few times. I have no idea what the deal was; I haven’t eaten anything today that should have caused any problems. Who knows. I’m glad I’d decided to do a shorter run though.

Anyway, other than that, it was a nice little run. And now, I hope, we won’t come home to dog poop later tonight.

This weekend is the final big mileage weekend before the taper starts for Shamrock. I’m supposed to do 10 miles tomorrow and 20 Sunday. It’s going to be a good day for a long run Sunday, in the 50s!

Other than running, plans this weekend include going to a tasting event at 16 Mile tomorrow afternoon where they’re pairing Girl Scout cookies with beer (it’s the end of February and I still haven’t had a single Samoa or Tagalong!) and watching the NASCAR race from Atlanta.

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