A Simple Running Log

February 8, 2016

Training for 2/8/16

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 5:50 pm

I managed to get in all of my training miles this weekend! Probably because it was a cutback week, but hey, I’m calling it a win.

Friday night, we went to Rubber Soul and 3rd Wave, mostly because they both allow dogs inside the tasting rooms and we were tired of cleaning up dog poop in the utility room after three consecutive days of doing so, so we wanted to go somewhere Pepper could go too.

The bartender at Rubber Soul has a 5-month-old puppy, Banjo. Banjo wanted to play with Pepper so bad, but Pepper was his usual aloof self, completely ignoring poor little Banjo.

I mean, I felt bad for the puppy, but these pictures crack me up.

pepper and banjo

Hey, I’m trying to play here!

pepper and banjo 2


Pepper also completely ignored any human who tried to make contact with him, including this one drunk guy who just could not stand it that Pepper didn’t want to be best friends haha.

Saturday, I did the shorter run on the schedule, the 6-miler. It was an uneventful lap around the 6.5-mile loop.

That evening, we went to Clark’s parents’ house for his birthday dinner. This year, Clark requested chicken and waffles. I guess no one else at dinner that night had ever heard of such a thing, and it was really throwing his grandmother and aunt for a loop. “Where have you had this before?” “Do you put syrup on the chicken?” “Hey, it’s not that bad!”

Sunday, I went out in the morning for a 12-miler, this week’s long run. It wasn’t my best run. I had to stop several times to cough up a lung, and the last couple of miles were a slog.

Last night, we watched the Super Bowl. The game wasn’t too exciting and none of the commercials really wowed me. Kind of ‘meh’ overall in my opinion. Oh well. Clark had gone to Harris Teeter yesterday afternoon, so the food here was pretty awesome at least. Bison and elk burgers and brie with strawberry jam. We’re very fancy.

Today, things got a little hectic with work. Not because of my procrastination, for once, but because a couple of interesting things happened that needed to be written up right away to get into this week’s paper. I did manage to get outside long enough to get in the short easy run on the schedule. Pepper and I did another lap around the 4.5-mile loop.

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