A Simple Running Log

September 15, 2015

Training for 9/15/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 10:20 am

Well, summer’s officially dead, everyone. I had to put on a SHIRT to run this morning. One with long sleeves!

Last night, I was up until almost 1:30 a.m. finishing an article about a meeting I had to cover earlier in the evening. Today, I had my usual Tuesday morning meeting to get to, and I knew for a fact if I tried to put off running until I got home I’d never do it, because the lack of sleep will catch up with me by then. So I made myself stay out of bed after feeding Pepper, put on running clothes, clip him into his harness and get my butt out the door and down the road before my brain realized what was going on.

This time of year, running before work puts me outside just as the sun is coming up, and it’s been really pretty lately. I took my phone with me, so here are some pictures of one of this year’s last summer sunrises in Delaware.

pepper peeing on road sign

A wisp of fog lingers over a soybean field at sunrise… while a tiny gray weimaraner takes a pee on the base of an ivy-covered road sign haha. A magical scene.

running sunrise

The sun comes up over a freshly-harvested corn field. RIP, outside bathroom. Guess I’m relegated to the woods again.


Pepper’s and my shadows on another soybean field. Note his is pulling impatiently on the end of the leash. Let’s GO, woman!

pepper annoyed

I get this look from him a lot.

So there you have it! We did 5.5 miles. I have to admit, running in 52 degrees felt a lot better than running in 80 degrees a week ago. Still though — a shirt! This is how it starts, the downhill slide into full-on winter. It’s hard to enjoy fall when you think about what’s coming next.

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