A Simple Running Log

April 21, 2015

Training for 4/21/15

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 1:59 pm

Today was the only Tuesday all month my weekly meeting met in the morning instead of the evening, and it looked like a long one (meaning, I’d have zero motivation to run when I finally got out), so I got up early and ran before it.

It was an absolutely gorgeous spring morning. The sun was just coming up in a cloudless sky, lighting up all the new green stuff in fields and lawns and on the trees. I hate getting up early, but that almost made it worth it.

The temperature was nice, but it was on the breezy side. I did an easy lap around the 5.5-mile loop.

I got yesterday’s mail before I went back in the house. Our six-month car insurance premiums arrived. I don’t understand how it keeps costing MORE to insure what is now an 8-year-old Civic with 165,000 miles on it, driven by an increasingly older married woman who hasn’t gotten a speeding ticket since 2007!

I’ve only made one claim on that policy the whole time I’ve had it too, and that cost my insurance company something like $500 to replace the front bumper cover after a fox ran out in front of the car several years ago and cracked it. (Foxes are now on the list of things I’ll swerve to avoid, as they apparently can do damage. Rabbits, squirrels, skunks, possums and birds are still on the no-swerve list.)

My premium is the price I pay after more than $200 in vehicle safety, multi-vehicle, multi-line and accident-free discounts, meaning there’s no way I’ll get a better rate elsewhere. And if I got a ticket for 10 mph over the speed limit tomorrow, I’d pay for it in jacked up rates for at least the next three years. What a racket. It just pisses me off.


  1. Do you use usaa? We have all our insurance through them (chucks dad was military) and they’re the cheapest we’ve found. (Not that it’s all that cheap though of course)

    Comment by Laura — April 21, 2015 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

    • They laughed in my face (not literally in my face, since I was on the phone haha) when I got a quote from them while I was in the military! And now I get so many discounts through the policy I have with Clark, nothing else could be cheaper. I just don’t understand why it keeps going up!

      Comment by aschmid3 — April 21, 2015 @ 2:41 pm | Reply

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