A Simple Running Log

April 17, 2012

Training for 4/17/12

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 3:54 pm

This morning, Pepper and I hit the road early for what I expected to be an easy lap around the 5.5-mile loop.

Instead, I again let Pepper set the pace, because it’s seriously easier to just keep up with him than it is to slow him down.

Somewhere around the 1.5-mile marker, and then again around the halfway point of the run, I got this strong whiff of the inside of a Dunkin’ Donuts store. It was really weird; it smelled like someone had planted a doughnut field and the sun was warming them all up. It smelled delicious! I hadn’t eaten breakfast before the run since we left so early, and it made me really hungry. I have no idea what made that smell, but I can tell you my cereal didn’t quite cut it when I did get to eat. I was craving a Boston Creme doughnut.

I timed the run today; we ran 5.5 miles in 41:21, a 7:31/mile average pace. I remember the first mile was just under 8:00, so we sped up as we went along, which is another typical feature of a run with Pepper. The closer he gets to home, the faster he wants to get there, haha.

My 5-mile PR, from last June, was at a 7:20/mile pace, so I wasn’t too far off that today. I was definitely working hard for today’s run, but I didn’t feel like it was a race effort. This is all encouraging as I’m getting ready to get back into racing.

Two years ago, my first races back after my IT band injury were disasters, as far as my pace was concerned. I was molasses slow compared to what I had been running before I got injured, and it sucked.

It looks like I shouldn’t be too far off when I race again. I’ve decided not to run any races in April. My next race is going to be the El Cinco 5-Miler on May 5 in Lewes. It’s the night race at the state park I’ve mentioned before. Well, dusk, I guess. It starts at 7 p.m., so it won’t be dark yet. It’s a full moon that weekend too, which I suppose is why, in the race FAQs, it says headlamps and flashlights aren’t needed:

Do I need to use a headlamp or flashlight?

No.  While headlamp or flashlight use is permitted, it is not required. The races have been designed to be run without headlamps.  Running at night can provide a welcome change of pace from the daily grind, and most will find that the use of lighting detracts from the experience.

It’s going to be dark.  Won’t it be hard to stay on  the course?

The course will be extremely well marked and there will be ample volunteers. We will be using reflective markings, chemical lights, and glow-in-the-dark paint to ensure that everyone stays on course. 

Here’s my favorite FAQ and answer:

If it’s dark, couldn’t I trip and fall?

Yes, you might.  We will make every effort to provide a clear, obstacle free course and to mark or light hazards, but we can not remove all of the inherent dangers associated with running.

In other words, we see klutzes fall flat on their faces in races in broad daylight. If you’re one of them, chances are even greater you’ll do the same on a dimly-lit course.

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