A Simple Running Log

November 19, 2009

Training for 11/19/09

Filed under: Uncategorized — aschmid3 @ 4:11 pm

This morning was my last run of any kind before the race — three easy miles at an 8:28/mile pace, just about the exact speed for which I’m aiming for the first mile of the race to warm up.

I think I’ve figured out why I’m so nervous about this little half marathon in Rehoboth. I expected to be calmer, having raced this distance before and thus knowing what to expect. But it’s just the opposite. Since I’ve done this before, I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself to improve my performance. The first time, all I had to do was finish and I’d accomplished something big. This time, if I finish in more than 1:54:10, I’ll feel like I’ve failed because I’ve put in so much training to get faster, including more miles per week and more speed work.

Finding out, according to an arbitrary online calculator, that based on my best 5K time I should be able to run a half marathon 12 minutes faster than I did in my first is not helping me give myself a break, either. I know I shouldn’t care about that, but I do.

But, I can honestly say I’m as ready for this race as I could possibly be. I did not miss a single run, and I only skipped one weight training session. I have no injuries. I found moleskin has proven effective at protecting the calluses on the balls of my feet. I have mapped out a pacing and hydrating plan for the race.

Now all I have to do is take tomorrow off from running, pick up my race packet, eat some spaghetti for dinner, get a good night’s sleep and do this thing.

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